Regulation: Discovering Your Calm Program


The Therapy at Home Regulation: Discovering Your Calm Program has been designed by our paediatric therapists to support children as they learn regulation skills. Through video training and playful exploration of regulation strategies and tools, children are invited to explore and discover what works best for them. They’ll be guided to examine how dysregulation feels and they’ll take the lead in exploring the strategies that help them regulate.

The program also includes some guidance for parents and caregivers to understand what’s happening in the brain and body during overwhelm and dysregulation.

Created for ages 4 – 16

Pre-orders shipped from Thursday 1 August on a first-paid, first-shipped basis.

An Outcome Report is included with this program.

Individual Therapy Consult

Individual therapy consultations are available with this program. This is not compulsory. If you select this option, we'll be in touch to arrange an appointment time.

From $129.00 (All consults will be invoiced separately.)

Join an online group

When purchasing this program, you have the option to enhance your child’s therapeutic journey by joining an online group program where your child can be supported to complete the activities in the toolbox you have selected with the help of one of our allied health team members and a small group of peers.

This is not compulsory, if selected our admin team will contact you to arrange a group time that best suits your child’s schedule.

From $386.00 (All group fees will be invoiced separately.)

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“Do you have buzzing bees? What helps when you feel overwhelmed, or when the world is too bright, too loud, too demanding or oh so scratchy?”

This question comes from the book The Buzzing Bees in My Brain. Written from the lived experience perspective of a neurodivergent child, the book helps children recognise and explore the feelings associated with sensory and emotional overwhelm.

In many ways, this book helped shape the Regulation: Discovering Your Calm Program.

Our program aims to help children identify how their brains and bodies feel when they’re regulated or dysregulated.

Whether they feel buzzy, fuzzy, fizzy or something entirely different, the program can help children understand how dysregulation feels, in a way that makes sense to them.

Through video guidance and playful exploration of regulation strategies and tools, children are invited to explore and discover the regulation strategies that work best for them. The tools and strategies that are included with the program stimulate a range of different senses, so children can really experiment with a wide range of regulation practices.

This program invites children to take the lead in exploring their needs and preferences. It also supports them to share those discoveries with their families and caregivers so they can be well supported in a variety of settings.

We know that regulation is absolutely critical to learning, to wellbeing, to focusing and for returning to calm. And so it follows that helping children regulate is one of the most powerful ways we can support our children, and set them up for success.

PLEASE NOTE: The essential components of the toolbox generally don’t change over time unless we are making improvements to the overall program. The specific tools included may differ at times in terms of brand, colour and other cosmetic differences due to sourcing factors out of our control. This will not affect the therapeutic benefits of the program as intended for the participant. We recommend that you only order one program per participant to ensure the appropriate use of funds. We cannot tailor toolboxes or programs to suit specific requests at this time. If you order a program for multiple participants they will receive the same program and toolbox. All shop listing images are representative of the program theme and not necessarily literal representations of what’s in the toolbox.

What's in the toolbox?

The Therapy at Home Regulation: Discovering Your Calm Program comes with a toolbox of resources delivered to your door that aligns with the skill-building modules in the online program. This toolbox provides a practical and playful element that your child can engage with as they follow along with the videos.

The toolbox includes*:

✓ Headphones and MP3 Player to support emotional regulation and provide a sensory escape. This player is pre-loaded with 11 meditation tracks and songs, and pairs with headphones or speakers via bluetooth, to provide regulation on-the-go
✓ 3 wooden fidget hand massagers and a squishy ball to assist with focus and concentration
✓ Vibrating cushion and batteries to encourage regulation through tactile and proprioceptive input
✓ Curvd earplugs, earplug tips, case and clip to tailor noise input to individual preferences and support sensory regulation on-the-go
✓ The Buzzing Bees In My Brain storybook to explore feelings associated with overwhelm and foster a supportive and open environment to discuss emotional and mental wellbeing
✓ Reflection card set to foster self-awareness and communication between parent and child
✓ A facilitator pamphlet to support the delivery of the therapy program at home

* The essential components of the toolbox generally don’t change over time unless we are making improvements to the overall program. The specific tools included may differ at times in terms of brand, colour and other cosmetic differences due to sourcing factors out of our control. This will not affect the therapeutic benefits of the program as intended for the participant.


What are the benefits?

For children, the benefits of the Therapy at Home Regulation: Discovering Your Calm Program include:

Increased awareness for emotional regulation: The program provides opportunities for children to explore their own emotional strengths and needs, and identify strategies for dealing with overwhelm.

Coping strategies: The program empowers children to take an active role in their emotional regulation, understanding how they feel in response to sensory input and different environments, and what their needs and preferences are.

Calming effect and stress reduction: The program provides high quality tools to help reduce anxiety and stress, and helps children identify what works for them to feel regulated.

Improved focus and attention: By helping to build emotional regulation skills, the program can help children channel excess energy and support focus.

And for the whole family, the benefits of the Therapy at Home Regulation: Discovering Your Calm Program include:

✓ Practical, hands-on therapy, practised in the comfort of a home environment

✓ On-demand online videos that are engaging and simple to follow

✓ Carefully designed programs that offer engaging opportunities for learning, exploration of new skills and connection with caregivers

✓ Simple, hands-on and fun activities that parents and caregivers can deliver when the time is right

✓ Access to therapeutic services without the clinic-based waitlists (or, while participants await clinic-based interventions)

What are the goals?

To increase the emotional regulation tools and strategies available to children when they are in the community, at school, at home, or in an unfamiliar environment.

To increase the initiation of self-care and self-soothing practices by children, particularly when parents or caregivers are not around to assist.

To increase the child’s ability to recognise their triggers and offer means to regulate their emotions.

To improve the child’s emotional wellbeing by letting them know that they are not alone with big feelings.

View the Therapy at Home NDIS Goals Guide to see how the participant’s NDIS goals align with our range of Therapy at Home programs.

What skills will we build?

The Regulation: Discovering Your Calm Program helps build:

Emotional Regulation Skills by helping children identify the moments and experiences that trigger or challenge them emotionally. They’re supported to express these feelings and discoveries to their family and caregivers. They’re also supported to test different strategies as they’re facing strong emotions, to return them to a state of calm.

Self Care Skills are built in this program through a range of means. Children are guided through understanding their own needs and preferences as they explore a range of different tools and strategies. And they’re encouraged to reflect on different self-care practices to see what they find most effective and enjoyable.

Sensory Regulation Skills are strengthened in this program as children explore how different sensory stimuli make them feel. They’re encouraged to consider how sensory factors impact their wellbeing and explore their own sensory preferences and needs. They’re also supported to communicate these needs with caregivers, so they can be supported as best as possible in a range of settings.

Optional Individual Therapy Consult

When purchasing this program, you have the option to enhance your child’s therapeutic journey with an individual therapy consult. Choose from an AHA Consult, OT Consult, Speech Consult, or Request a Standard Assessment & Report. These personalised consultations provide you with the opportunity to connect with our team of experienced Allied Health Assistants, Occupational Therapists, or Speech Therapists. During the consult, you can discuss your child’s unique needs, receive expert guidance, and tailor the program to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child.

This is not compulsory, if selected our admin team will contact you to arrange an appointment time. All consults will be invoiced separately.

Outcome Report

This program comes with an outcome report for NDIS review purposes.

Parents/guardians must submit online questionnaires measuring the child’s progress before and after the program as a requirement for obtaining the outcome report.

Find out more about how to use your NDIS funds for this program HERE

Therapy at Home provides the option for an outcome report to be included with all Programs. These reports are a summary of the specific program outcomes measured as a result of participating in a specific Therapy at Home Program. This is not a report for decision-making at the full plan level. This is not a report for an end-of-plan review from which a planner can use to make decisions about future funds at a whole plan level.

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