About the Masterclasses

Welcome to Therapy at Home online Masterclasses, where we empower parents and caregivers with expert knowledge and practical strategies for raising happy, healthy, and confident kids.


Our masterclasses are immersive 60-90 minute digital sessions led by experts in child development. Each session comprises an educational component to support understanding of the addressed developmental stage or milestone, alongside a variety of practical strategies for implementation in home, school, or therapeutic environments.

We understand the challenges children face in accessing necessary support, and our aim is to provide opportunities for parents and educators to gain the knowledge and action strategies needed to make a positive impact in children’s lives.

Covering a wide range of topics associated with child development, from fostering emotional intelligence to supporting cognitive growth, each masterclass offers invaluable insights and actionable techniques.

Accessing a masterclass is simple and convenient. Upon enrollment, participants gain immediate access to course materials via our online platform, compatible with laptops, tablets, or smartphones.

With unlimited access, participants can revisit and re-watch masterclasses for ongoing development and support. Additionally, each session includes downloadable resources tailored for enhanced learning experiences.

The masterclasses will be available to purchase very soon. If you haven’t already done so, sign up to the Therapy at Home email community to be the first to know when the masterclasses are ready. Sign up here.

For more information see the Masterclass FAQs

What are the masterclass topics?

Early Years Language Masterclass

Developed by our in-house Speech Therapist Aoife, the Early Years Language Masterclass empowers parents to create engaging opportunities for language development in their daily routines. Aoife’s expertise in early language and parent education shines through as she shares strategies for supporting language development through everyday interactions, activities, and play.

Suitable for caregivers of children under 3 years old.

Fine Motor Skills Masterclass

Developed by Occupational Therapist Emma, the Fine Motor Skills Masterclass enhances understanding of fine motor skill development and milestones. Emma’s extensive background in paediatrics, school-based therapy, and mental health informs practical strategies for improving fine motor skills in various settings.

Suitable for parents, carers, teachers, and therapists of children up to 12 years old.

Puberty Self-Care Masterclass

Developed by our in-house Occupational Therapist Jasmine, this Masterclass guides parents and caregivers through their child’s puberty journey. Jasmine’s expertise in supporting autistic individuals and developing practical solutions shines through as she provides education, tools, strategies, and therapeutic insights for aiding pre-teens and teens with self-care during puberty.

Suitable for parents and caregivers of pre-teens and teens beginning or already in the puberty phase.

Masterclasses will be available to purchase very soon.

For more information on our upcoming masterclasses, please check out the Masterclass FAQs, and if you have any questions, please contact [email protected].